February 2009 Performances
Jennifer White and Robert McMaster
If you would like more information on any of our Public Performances, please call 519-438-3924, or e-mail Knockgrafton Productions. Private Engagements are not open to the general public. You can also receive regular updates to our itinerary by joining our list. Please click here.
A Celebration of Brigit: Sacred soulsmith, Elemental Healer Public Ritual
Brescia College, UWO
London ON
For more information: visit: www.brescia.uwo.ca/thecircle/brigit.htm
Presented by The Women's Circle, featuring Mary Condren (The Serpent and the Goddess). This is a women only event. I will be providing music throughout and have been an active member of the planning circle for this and the 2008 festival. For more information and to register, please contact The Circle.
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 2009 (Private)
Private Engagement
London ON
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2009 (Public)
Concert as Part of the Cobourg Winter Festival
Cobourg Public Library
2 pm
Cobourg ON
This is a family concert, celebrating winter. It will feature some winterlude music, winter poems and stories and some Celtic lore. For more information, please visit the library website at www.cobourg.library.on.ca
More to come for February 2009
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Photography by Robert McMaster unless otherwise indicated
Site Design and Maintenance by Jennifer White ©Knockgrafton Productions 1998-2008
P.O. Box 23132, London, Ontario Canada N6A 5N9
Phone/Fax: 519-438-3924
www.knockgrafton.com | jenwhite@knockgrafton.com