The Silver Branch
KP002 ~ An Invitation into the Celtic Otherworlds ~ Release 2006

Check back here often for details on our upcoming CD Release, The Silver Branch, due out in 2006. This page will feature studio samples of this CD in progress. If you would like to place a pre-release order for this CD, please click on Mail Order in the left frame. Other ways you can help finance the production of The Silver Branch follow at the end of this page.

"In many old Celtic tales, a beautiful youth offers the hero a silver branch covered with white blossoms, a branch from an otherworldly apple tree. The youth would sing of the wonders of the land of faerie, inspiring the hero to set sail across the clear sea in search of the immortal realms...

May this music be your silver branch, an invitation into the otherworld of Celtic myth and legend, a world outside everyday time and space. Come along on a journey beneath the waves and play with the Selkie Folk in their magical sea kingdom. Join an ancient hunting party and travel beyond the waves to the timeless land of Tir-nan-Og. Dance at a Faerie wedding feast. And wander mist-enshrouded lands with Aengus in search of his beloved..."

1. The Call
2. The White Birds (vocal) ~ Yeats
Section I: Land Beneath Waves
3. Land Beneath Waves
4. The Sea Children's Lament
5. Transformation
6. From Sundown to Sundown
7. Selkie's Dream
8. Reunion
9. The Great Selkie of Sule Skerry (vocal)
Section II: Tir-nan-Og
10. The White Horses
11. The Fianna
12. Niamh
13. Oisin & Niamh
14. Tir-nan-Og
15. Oisin's Return
Section III: The Wild Hunt
16. Herla's Entry into the Faerie Realm
17. Faerie Wedding Feast
18. The Wild Hunt
Section IV: Aengus
19. The Dream of Aengus
20. Swan Maiden
21. Union
22. The Song of Wandering Aengus (vocal) ~ Yeats

22 Proposed Tracks for 70+ minutes of music!

All tracks are originals by Jennifer White, except tracks 9 and 22 (traditional, arranged by Jennifer White). Track 2 is traditional lyric with new music by Jennifer White. Samples of available tracks will be linked here soon.


Silver Branch has faced delays due to time and money constraints since its proposal in 2001. It is now in production at home in our very own studio space. Your help can certainly help speed along the production and release of this CD. The less time we're out and about chasing our bills, the more time we have to dedicate to focus on studio production and post-production. There are many ways YOU can help support the production and encourage The Silver Branch to grow.

$25.00 pre-release order of your copy of The Silver Branch . . .

It is a wonderful grassroots way to help Knockgrafton Productions (Which by the way is Jennifer White and Robert McMaster) get ahead of the recording costs. (This price includes all taxes and shipping & handling). Once completed, we will ship the CD directly to you, or to anyone else you choose. (To order, simply click on the Mail Order link in the left frame).

Another way is Sponsorship...

Become a Knockgrafton Sponsor for $100.00 . . .

and receive one first press run, autographed copy of The Silver Branch, and honorable mention in the Knockgrafton Section of the CD liner notes, and a Knockgrafton thank you card from Jennifer and Robert.

Become a Silver Branch Sponsor for $500.00 . . .

and receive five first press run, autographed "brag" copies of The Silver Branch, and honorable mention in the Silver Branch Section of the CD liner notes, and a Knockgrafton thank you card from Jennifer and Robert.

Become an Honorary Track Producer for $1000.00 . . .

and receive ten first press run, autographed "brag" copies of The Silver Branch, and be credited in the liner notes as The Honourary Producer of the selected track. You will also receive a Certificate of Recognition as an Honourary Track Producer, and a Special Edition CD Single of your honourary track.

Your attendance at any of our public performances also supports the writing, the production and future performances of this music. Thank you for your continuing support and encouragement!

Photography by Robert McMaster
Site Design by Jennifer White ©Knockgrafton Productions 1998-2006
P.O. Box 23132, London, Ontario Canada N6A 5N9 | Phone/Fax: 519-438-3924 |